Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ethical Question

I have been sick with that flu going around. I'm sure some of you have cheered my recent demise but I will be back. In fact I have a journalism ethics questions..please answer this:
John Hall quotes two women who were forced to testify that they were teenage prostitutes. Both papers will not quote underaged minors in sex cases. Isn’t this the same thing? Why is the name of the girl who was targeted for snitching and forced to be a prostitute have her name splashed in the paper? Here is the story. I don’t know the ethics of this so if someone could enlighten me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they ran the name because she's now an adult. But if the reasoning behing not identifying child victims is in order to protect them, I'm not sure that consideration is no longer at issue just because she's of voting age. I think this falls into an entire area of journo practices that should be more closely studied.

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